If there was a different way that people could use the Widgetsmith pro artwork and widgets such as, sharing the app with a certain number of people, or rating it on the AppStore and writing suggestions, that would be a way for people who don’t have the extra money to spend on these designs a way to nail their aesthetic. And I do t think many people will be desperate enough to to pay that much just to make their home screen and widgets be aesthetically pleasing. Another thing is that all the widgets are awesome and I love the new artwork, but it’s hard because all of the best artwork is for a premium membership, and it’s a lot to pay for, just to have cool looking widgets. I think having customizable art work would be an awesome idea, and a great way for people to share their artistic talent and help others complete their Home Screen. Also if there would be a way for users to create their own artwork, so there can be a way for people to share their creativity, and also nail the aesthetic on their Home Screen just how they want it. I would recommend thought to have a way to where people can make their own aesthetic theme and have a way to share it with everyone else using the app. And with the new aesthetics and artwork, it makes my home screen look even better. I really like this app, the option to customize your own widget is great.
This lets you take full advantage of each slot on your home screen.Īctivity widgets require a paired Apple Watch For example, a particular widget could show the weather first thing in the morning, then your calendar during your work day, then switch to your Activity ring progress as you wrap up your day. This set of widgets can then be dynamically scheduled to appear on your home screen following rules you define. Each can be adjusted precisely to best fit your desired function and appearance. It starts with a wide collection of highly customizable widgets, which range in function from date, to weather, to astronomy. Widgetsmith lets you personalize your home screen like never before.